Steam Workshop?

According to some of the comments on the Canyon Biome mod they don’t show up when subscribed, so it might not actually be ready for prime time. But hopefully soon!

Edit: Where it says learn more (under Stonehearth Workshop Beta) is a link to a modding guide:


Alright so i saw this and went super exited mode. Because this would make things so much better as modder.

Is it just me or does the steam workshop list and create new mod list not active. It states that there should be 3 collums but i only see 1 with the standart mod list.

Would love to experiment with this. So hope someone can tell me if i am doing domething wrong or that they just disabled it for now.

Running latest steam 0.24.0 release 811

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Please be patient! :slightly_smiling_face:
You will need a new Stonehearth build in order to be able to see the workshop mods inside the game.

We opened the Workshop beta yesterday to do broader testing before pushing.

It shouldn’t take long before we update the unstable build for this (and some bugfixes). And yes, we’ll support Steam and non-Steam mods.


Alright great to hear! Ill be patient. ^^

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Okay I pushed release 819 to the latest branch on Steam. Release notes here: Alpha 24.5 Now on Steam Unstable – Stonehearth


Formal announcement: Steam Workshop Launches!