When i told my hearthlings to cut down a acia tree on a hill they did, but when they started collecting the wood, all hearthlings that went up on the hill got stuck, some for a short time, some for a long time and even one that has been stuck there ever since i started collecting wood, which is 1 day.
Steps to reproduce:
- Cut down Acia trees
- Make them gather wood
- Done
Expected Results:
They will put the wood in chests
Actual Results:
They get stuck on that hill
Version Number and Mods in use:
Alpha 14, No mods
System Information:
This is how it looks when they get stuck (the hungry one is the one that has been stuck a whole day)
Ok, i have figured it out. I restarted the game (multiple times since it didn’t work the first time), and it worked.
it might be a program i had opened or something, since it didn’t work restarting at first but 2 hours later it worked
EDIT 2: I don’t know how to delete this post, so if you want it removed maybe an admin or someone (if admins exist) can remove it