Smaller world for mod testing in Alpha 4?

Hello. Does anyone know how to create a small world for mod testing in Alpha 4? I tried the suggested method here but this doesn’t seem to work (it just creates a regular world). Hopefully someone will know how to do this with r122.


yea I would like to know too. And if it is not possible. I would love if Team Radiant adds a third option to start the game. Besides quickstart and normal start, a small world start. With the possibility to spawn stuff defined in a json somewhere. Just like I saw on one of the streams.
With the higher techtree we get, it becomes increasingly annoying to play the start over and over again.

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I saw how to do it in one of the live streams, and it worked for me, but then I removed it so I could play normally, and now I can’t find that live stream…

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I would love it too, that way we could skip all the world creation and promotion and resource gathering needed to test our mods. It’s really discouraging having to test like this, especially when the test did not go well and you have to restart over only for a small change on the code or the model.

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Aha, thanks for reminding me, we had changed it. Kudos to @Albert for the tip! :smile:

 "mods" : {
     "stonehearth" : {
        "world_generation" : {
          "method" : "tiny"  //or small or default
 }, //add a comma here if you have other entries that are peers to 'mod'

I will update the other thread.
Edit: removed the extra comments as per @Programmierer’s comment below! Thanks!


This code just give me some errors about missing “}”, because there are some commas too much.
Should be

"mods" : {
     "stonehearth" : {
        "world_generation" : {
          "method" : "tiny" 

instead. This works fine for me with r122 =)


How hard would it be to implement this as a game mode I wonder… a normal/peaceful/test thing might be rather nice…

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It would be really helpful for modding if we could spawn in items in the small world. With a json file how Tom does this is ok. Speeds up things a lot. And wont spoil the beginning of the game too much :blush:.


Ah, thanks, I had just copied it out of my user settings which has other things in there. Good fix! I will change the FAQ too.


are debug keys still in or is it changed too? Because it is not working for me.

"enable_debug_keys" : true
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Neither for me. I think they dissapeared long time ago, or the syntax has changed, like for the “world_generation” and now we can’t use them.

Is the same method used in Alpha 7?

Edit: I’ve tried it and it works, so yes, the same method is used in A7.