Shepherd useless?

Do the pastures not auto-butcher? In Banished you just “set and forget” the pasture just like a crop field. Once the field became full any additional animals are butchered to ensure a steady supply of meat. In Stonehearth I seem to have to constantly give direct orders to butcher. I really don’t like systems that I need to micro like this. When I set a farm field I set it once and the farmer works it, I wish the pastures worked the same way.

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They do not auto-butcher, you have to manually set animals to slaughter.

That’s awful, I hope they fix that in the future.

I think this should be a toggle per pasture. Maybe you don’t want your sheep to be butchered because you need the wool… but those bunnies really aren’t doing anything for you just bouncing around being all cute.

Auto-Butcher! For all your bunny meat needs! :smiley:


Yeah, you wouldn’t want to auto-butcher Bluebell.


A simple if ___ then___ would work here.
if total animals is ___ then kill ___ animals
With this you could set it so that anytime the pasture is full they kill off all but 2 critters that will then get busy repopulating for the next round.


Please please please add a party sheep easter egg!

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Throwing this into this discussion:

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Sorry for the bump but I worked very hard on this presentation of the Party Sheep possibilities:
Party Sheep