Restock engine error

Got this error. I am at the moment quite unsure if my shepherd is actually feeding my poyos? And if this has anything to do with that. The shepherd was earlier in the game attacked and downed. After rescue and recuperating he got stuck and i had to reload. In the same time i deleted the old poyo zone and made a new one. He gathered a new bunch of poyos and react fine if i order one slaughtered, but i never see him feeding them. It could be something completely different though haha :smiley: Edit: the blurred part is not relevant, i just caught my shepherd feeding the poyos…

Steps to reproduce:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:


restock (8.1 MB)

Version Number and Mods in use:

System Information:

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not related to the error but, am i seeing a hybrid fornjotr/me style house there :stuck_out_tongue: ?

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Damn it, i did not notice i had that in the shot!
It was ment to out later today in my buildingthread… And yes it is a house i made for you :slight_smile: