Recipe with ingredient X OR ingredient Y

Good job! Now, all you have to do is to find that last issue :smiley:

Does it give you 72 items?
I’m thinking, perhaps the “num_rolls” is what you will get from each of the items. 72 = 18*4.

Perhaps something like this could work:

"resource_loot_table": {
   "entries": {
      "rabbit_pelt": {
           "num_rolls": {
               "min": 4,
               "max": 5
           	"items": {
               "pelt": {
                  "uri": "stonehearth:resources:rabbit_pelt",
                  "weight": 1
      "racoon_pelt": {
           "num_rolls": {
               "min": 4,
               "max": 5
           	"items": {
               "pelt": {
                  "uri": "stonehearth:resources:racoon_pelt",
                  "weight": 1

and so on?

Note: this is strictly based on guessing on my end.