Not sure if this is possible but I am looking for a way to create multiple items of the same type from a single recipe. Specifically 9 step stones from a single chunk of stone. In the produces I added the count but it doesn’t do anything. Adding multiple items also has no affect. Hoping that someone has already figured out how to accomplish this.
Figured it out for you.
"produces": [
"item": "atlas_expo:upgrades:blue_clay_window_frame"
"item": "atlas_expo:upgrades:blue_clay_window_frame"
"item": "atlas_expo:upgrades:blue_clay_window_frame"
Place the item as many times as you want with commas after them in the recipe. This is from my mod, so don’t copy it directly.
Same. I am making a mod where decorations doesn’t need a whole log or stone to be made. So instead a single chunk will produce a bunch.
Thanks @SirAstrix! Confirming it makes my work easier .
Well damn. I think when I did it similarly I put all the items in the same brackets and it only produced the first one. Thanks a ton! Thanks as well Stmpnk!
It wouldn’t be a steampunk mod would it
My name blew my cover! The steampunk-themed one is a fairly big one, so I put it on hold for know . I am currently planning on making the smaller mods in my list which in the mean time is an exterior/architecture decorations