Query: What's at the bottom?

If I send my little Hearthlings digging down, how far down can they go? If I just keep building stairs down and down and down, will they hit a “bedrock” level (like in Minecraft), or will they just fall out of the bottom of the Earth?

Same thing applies in the up direction. How high can they go before you hit a skybox or invisible wall or whatever?

Well, currently there’s no protective layer at the bottom, so yes, they would just fall out of the bottom of the Earth. As for skyboxes… I dunno?

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I like to think of the unending void below the world as a BASE jumping easter egg for your hearthlings …parachutes aren’t available so thankfully there’s no bottom for them to run into


Hm. Is it possible to grow crops underground? If I’m attempting a “dwarf” style underground city, what are my options for food?

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[quote=“Sam_Riche, post:4, topic:15313, full:true”]
Hm. Is it possible to grow crops underground?

[/quote]I don’t believe that’s possible. Since you can’t place dirt then there is nothing for it to grow on.

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This happens. Currently, there’s no impassable layer underground, it just sort of reaches an end and–from what I remember–the settlers get stuck in a void like they do when they used to fall off the edge of the world. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the original post this was revealed in…

As for the positive height limit, I’ve heard less about this. Part of the issue was that the pathfinder wasn’t smart enough to build after a certain point, but it’s entirely possible there’s some sort of limit.


Some good questions indeed! A few adventurers tried to find out what is beyond:


There is a bedrock level, but the small mining tool was able to dig right through it. It’s a bug and shouldn’t happen. I don’t know if anyone has tested to see if that still happens in more recent times than the topics Beatrice linked to.

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Haven’t test yet the last build but in 2521, yes you can still mine the last 4 levels.

Personally I dream of a bottom less underground with hidden things in the very deep. Or the bottom could be a sea of lava, could be quite awesome will the glow and all… :heart_eyes:

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