Promotion window crashes for new fighter classes

UI crash in promoter window for the new fighter classes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open promoter window
  2. select one of the classes above the fighter
  • the ui changes and display the ???, after some seconds (maybe the update appears?) the ui crashes

bug appears only if game is not in pausemode.
F5 allowes to refresh the UI and reproduce the bug.

Attachments: (7.7 MB)

release-537 (x64)Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: You must use Ember.set() to set the display_name property (of Ember.Object:ember648) to ???.Error: Assertion Failed: You must use Ember.set() to set the display_name property (of Ember.Object:ember648) to ???.
at new Error (native)
at Error.EmberError (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14251:23)
at Object.Ember.assert (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:3865:15)
at SETTER_FUNCTION [as display_name] (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17434:15)
at App.StonehearthPromotionTree.App.View.extend._buildTreeNode (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:131:39)
at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:110:18
at null. (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:290:16)
at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:657:23)
at Object.radiant.each (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:289:15)
at App.StonehearthPromotionTree.App.View.extend._buildTreeData (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/promotion_tree/promotion_tree.js:103:15)

Version Number and Mods in use:
15.0 (537) x64
no mods

hmm… i cant seem to repro this, do you happen to have a save where this will happen on load? or does save/load fix the issue?

Thanks for reporting this. I’m putting in a fix, though it probably won’t make it to patch until Monday. In the meantime, please try not to select the “?” jobs in the promotion window.


I edited the original post with an attached save game. Happens all the time there.
Tested it again in a new world, don’t happen.

ah i realised it is already fixed. sometimes I need to read post more carefuly
good work yshan :relaxed: