so what I have been doing is once I know I can get an additional villager I save as soon as it becomes dawn, and then once I am able to accept a new villager to the town, I save before accepting.
so if the villager I get doesnt have the stats that I want, I just reload the town until the villager has the 6 6 6 stat.
anyone else do this until they have a whole team of perfect roll people?
there is a file you can edit, basically it describes qualities of humans, and you can change the range of roll from 1-6 to 6-6. Though I don’t know if it’s the same after they changed distribution of stats…
Mh… let’s have some math… non depending from the algorithm you have 6 citizens with 3 stats that can have 6 levels.
If i’m not wrong, the chances are 1/((6^3)^6), it means 1 on 101.559.956.668.416.
There were a song about someone trying to have all 6 for all the 6 citizens…[Just that song][1]
[1]: Limp Bizkit - Rollin’ (Air Raid Vehicle)
I probably shouldn’t mention that the mind, spirit, and body stats are on a gaussian curve, and so the actual chances of a 6,6,6 character is more like 1/1000 …
Yeah that is what I am trying to say. It’s not a traditional random so it’s not 1/396. A Gaussian random is more likely in the middle (we use one with a standard deviation of 1.5 for the stats), so stats are more likely to be around 3, and less likely to be at the upper and lower ends, like 1 and 6. Therefore the probability of getting a character with 6 in the mind stat is less than 1/6, so the overall the probability of getting a 666 guy is less than 1/(6^3)
Did something similar with the assassins in Medieval Total War 2. 100% success. Much later I noticed that my king had got one hell of a bad reputation. I guess it was connected, though I don’t know why you would get a bad reputation when you get away with an assassination.
That used to make me laugh as well. Assassins would not of left a calling card, “You have just been assassinated by order of the Royal Court of Blah! Blah! Have a nice afterlife.” Now if the assassin was caught and ahem! questioned…
As for 6/6/6 villagers, now if there was stat progression/training it would get rid of the re-roll need or at least ease it. Anyway why would you want a 6/6/6 farmer? As I understand it Mind is best for crafters so as long as you get 5 villagers with 5-6 in the Mind stat you should be ok. Body and Spirit are mainly for warriors, although Spirit is supposed to affect Shepherds and Trappers. Now if you are one of the people who uses R for Town Defence maybe the stats will come into play. I agree with Radiant’s stance here that Town Defence is a last ditch defence and that you should start building a defence force as soon as possible.