Ore Info Please?

So, always settling next to a mountain gets kinda boring, I decided to build in a nice open field some ways from a mountain. I know ores, are generally found there, but my question is can we find them anywhere underground or specifically under mountains???

Anywhere underground; if you dig down, you will eventually hit ore

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I’ve dug down 18 blocks and only see dirt. Will ore only be in stone or is it also found in dirt? How far down to dig!?

It seems a little random to me; I always dig all the way down. I think it does take a while, admittedly.

Mountains do seem to make it much less rare than elsewhere.
If you care for a little trick - dig down and start tunnelling around; safe way to travel the map, I believe? And if you hit ore, you can always stop and excavate that area further.

…secondary note, I haven’t tried since A13, but I can’t imagine it’s changed

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If I remember well from the game files, ores can only drop from mined stones.
And stone layers are only present at the very bottom of the map and in mountains (from the top to the bottom, 100% stone)

Better to start making some good trades and buy the ores from merchants.


Thanks guys, apparently the stone layer is around 9 if you do the slice option. I don’t know how to dig straight down but I have a huge stairwell going down there. Thanks!