Introducing my new (as in, I started developing a plot today) animated series: Track to Real (Unofficial Name!)
What is is, is a non-Stonehearth related series I will hopefully be producing on my YouTube channel!
UPDATE: New artwork available
It is in quite rough shape, and I hope to get a polished image tomorrow.
Though this isn’t about Stonehearth, I think starting in a small community will allow ideas and thoughts to pass, and I feel this discourse is my best option for introducing this to!
I’m hoping this will catch attention, as I hope to receive ideas from all of you!
seems like it will be good, cant wait for the first episode/part.
why does the discourse have to limit my like amount every 2 hours…
Sounds good cant wait I hope I will have time to watch it lol
[quote=“BloodW0lf, post:3, topic:10854”]
I hope I will have time to watch it
[/quote]I am hoping to get a LOT of production done this weekend, but there is no telling a date, from 2 days to 2 months, I really don’t know…
BTW, new concept art^^
You really need to make it look less like Bender…
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[quote=“BrianNZ, post:5, topic:10854, full:true”]
You really need to make it look less like Bender…
[/quote]I honestly see little to no resemblance to Bender, but certain features that may remind you of Bender are also features of old stereotypical robot toys, which this model is based off of…
But feel free to point out areas that are very similar, and I will do my best to alter them!
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