Doors of fury. or failure?
I’m sure its just because the game isn’t completed yet but it seems that my dreams of building a wall have been thwarted. i have a a regular freestanding wall placed and a 3 wide spot for where i am going to place my door. after placing said door “Reinforced wooden door” i watch to my annoyance as the monsters of the world seem to ignore my wooden barricade. now i think to myself okay perhaps it just needs a wooden door? after that thought i placed in the same line a set of wooden posts to add to the doors frame and allow it to contain another door. after placing another wooden door however the monsters go through both of them with zero problems and manage to start attacking my hearthling guards
Steps to reproduce:
- use free standing walls and reinforced doors to block a monsters entrance
- create a wall with a 3 wide space in it for the door place the reinforced door and watch as monsters clip through the closed door
Expected Results:
the monster either is stopped or starts bashing down the door
Actual Results:
it walks straight through it
Every monster type seems to be able to go through it. i haven’t had the chance to test the goblin chieftain however
Lack of an error code because for whatever reason it didn’t generate it for me on the countless times it occurred
Version Number and Mods in use:
most recent update Alpha 13 i think its called
System Information: