If you have multiple mechanics, does that increase the amount of turrets/traps you can have? If not, what effects how much turrets/traps you can have?
Answer: Yes, having multiple mechanics does increase the amount of turrets/traps you can have. If they are level 1, each mechanic can place 4 traps and 2 turrets, if they are level 3, each mechanic can place 4 turrets and 8 traps, if they are level 6, each can place 8 turrets and 12 traps.
Are you sure? Each level 3 engineer can place 4 turrets and 8 traps, so having 2 engineers will allow for 8 turrets and 16 traps. I just tested this in a microworld and could place 12 turrets and 24 traps with 3 level 3 engineers.
Sounds like one, can you upload the save where it isn’t working?
To upload a save, locate the folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games (assuming a default Steam install), zip the individual save’s folder (not the entire saved_games folder), and upload it. If the *.zip is less than 10 MB, feel free to upload it directly to the Discourse. If larger, please upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.