Summary: After clicking the “call merchant” button, it becomes pressed and has the caption “a merchant has been recently called…” but nobody appears. After some time I can use the button again but to no avail.
I’m using the blue ascendency stall in an ascendency town.
The fist stall was of excellent quality, the second of an average quality.
Did not work in both tier 1 and tier 2 town status.
Thanks for the report! Unfortunately the market stall behavior change is not compatible with old savegames. It should work correctly in a new game, and we’ll see if we can fix it so it works on old saves before this hits stable.
Ok, unfortunately, I started a new game to test a different bug (lol) but even then the market stall did not call a merchant. I used debug to stamp it down, could it be because of that?
Debug-stamping should be fine, but the merchant stalls won’t work if you have no traders in your pool, which is the case until the afternoon on the first day. In a real game, you can’t practically get a stall before that time.