Today I booted SH up after a long time. (still following Dev and steams on weekly basis , but didn’t play it alot)
I’m using a non qwerty keyboard layout, I searched for a keybinding tab.
Knowing that in the past I fixed it via user settings, I started looking , …
but if you look here : Stonehearth - Official Stonehearth Wiki
there are alot of bindings , which I don’t immediately find the user_settings.json equivalent for.
I know your working hard on internationalization, IMHO it would be a good moment to also implement keybinding options menu ( maybe not all ) because internationalization also implies usage of different keyboard layouts.
It shouldn’t be this hard to setup the game ( even basic game movement is fubar with my keyboard layout )
So i HAVE to fix it via the user_settings.json. but again I can’t find the default bindings easily.
a quick fix , could just be a menu item that says where you can find them , ( user_setttings.json , but include the default ones in there in comment orso )
I just hoping that that people should be able to change them without so much digging.
Anyway , I gave up on searching and went back to watching the stream …
i never really thought about how key-bindings are actually a part of internationalization, i’ll page some members of TR to see if they can give you their thoughts, @yshan@sdee@Albert.
But its clear that the default mappings of qwerty are not used by everyone. => just like the language english and you guys handle that with internationalize , just saying that quite fast ppl will ask for other keybindings because the WASD just doesn’t work in theirs (like in mine ZQSD )
Then if you look at the mapping, the English mappings you used might not ‘stick’ with ppl who speak another language (because the words are just different)
and therefore I ask some attention , and if it can tag along the internationalization effort then I’m happy.
For everyone else who finds this looking for a way to remap keys. There are 2 ways to do so, that I know of.
Manually go through all the misc *.js and *.json files and change the mappings. However, this could be smashed by future updates to Stonehearth as additional keymappings/settings are added.
Use a script to intercept the keystrokes you want and relay the keystrokes that Stonehearth expects. The drawback to this is you have to toggle it off (I use the Pause key) when typing names, seeds, etc.
I do #2 with AutoHotKey, which I think is Windows only. Here is how to do remapping.
Or you can just download my script (I named it Stonehearth.ahk) and modify it. This requires AHK to be installed, then you just run the script. I could make an executable, but then you couldn’t remap the keys and you would have to trust me way more than you should. As you can tell, I use ESDF rather than WASD, because that is where your hand normally is, it lets you access more keys, I don’t have tiny girl hands. Don’t be a noob, use ESDF. Also, Space should be pause.
; Remmapping Stonehearth
; Format goes
; New Key :: Old Key
;(En/)Disable hotkeys.
;Ony remap these keys in the Stonehearth appication. #IfWinActive ahk_exe Stonehearth.exe
;Camera Controls
Apparently I can’t edit my post…
Or upload an attachment with the file…
And I couldn’t (see to) preview my post before the formatting was messed up because of discourse popups…
Trying again.
Save below as Stonehearth.ahk.
; Remmapping Stonehearth
; Format goes
; New Key :: Old Key
;(En/)Disable hotkeys.
;Ony remap these keys in the Stonehearth appication.
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Stonehearth.exe
;Camera Controls
;Town Info
;Place Item
;Town defense
An easy file-based method to change hotkeys was added in A21. Simply open the stonehearth.json file in your game directory and make the changes you want. A proper in-game UI will come later.