Invincible house

Hello everyone !

I have experienced a really unpleasant bug on the last version.
I don’t know how nor why but this bug is still here even though I refreshed the UI.

The situation is pretty simple to understand : I can’t build or destroy any house anymore.
I think that happened when I tried to modify my first building.

  • I paused it and moved a window but there was a little hole so the construction wasn’t good enough for me. That’s why I decided to destroy it.
  • My workers were doing well but suddenly stopped. I tried everything : pausing then restarting ; adding a column then removing it ; etc.
  • Now the situation is that there is still a wall and the floor of my house that I can’t remove.

Thanks a lot for your game anyway :wink:
PS : I have the “stuck in the fence” bug as well but you already know it.

Here is the engine report :
Error 1:

develop-2710 (x64)
...h/services/client/build_editor/wall_loop_editor.luac:90: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
	[C]: ?
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	...h/services/client/build_editor/wall_loop_editor.luac:90: in function

Error 2:

develop-2710 (x64)
stonehearth/components/wall/wall_component.luac:106: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
	[C]: ?
	stonehearth/components/wall/wall_component.luac:106: in function 'connect_to_columns'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:234: in function 'init_fn'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:123: in function '_create_blueprint'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:234: in function '_create_wall'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:232: in function '_add_wall_span'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:187: in function 'add_wall'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:56: in function 'cb'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:304: in function 'do_command'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:56: in function

Error 3:

develop-2710 (x64)
...hearth/services/server/build/build_undo_manager.luac:108: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
	[C]: ?
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	...hearth/services/server/build/build_undo_manager.luac:108: in function 'clear'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:35: in function 'clear_undo_stack'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:37: in function 'set_active'
	stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.luac:5: in function

Error 4:

develop-2710 (x64)
...hearth/services/server/build/build_undo_manager.luac:6: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
	[C]: ?
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	...hearth/services/server/build/build_undo_manager.luac:6: in function 'begin_transaction'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:303: in function 'do_command'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:107: in function

Hey there @Powerclank, welcome to the discourse!

Sorry to hear about your building error, but thank you for the detailed bug report. Going to ping @not_owen_wilson and @Albert so they are aware of it.

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Hey ! I remembered another one.
My workers were building a way in order to get faster. So they removed the grass first but a worker just started to sleep in the hole digged during the construction. Then a worker build on him and he was literally sleeping in the ground.
But fortunately when he woke up he had no problem to move.

Whatever, it’s still an Alpha :laughing:

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Good news ! I still cannot remove my “house” but I can build new houses :smile:
It just happened after launching the game.