release-875 (x64)[M]
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.lua:545: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘assert’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.lua:545: in function ‘_normalize’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.lua:1160: in function ‘top_layer_in_wetting_mode’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.lua:576: in function ‘evaporate’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.lua:570: in function ‘check_evaporate’
…arth/services/server/hydrology/hydrology_service.lua:558: in function ‘_evaporate_from_water_bodies’
…arth/services/server/hydrology/hydrology_service.lua:302: in function ‘_on_tick’
…arth/services/server/hydrology/hydrology_service.lua:76: in function <…arth/services/server/hydrology/hydrology_service.lua:75>
[C]: in function ‘fire’
radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:91: in function <radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:91>
[C]: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:66: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:91: in function ‘set_now’
…hearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.lua:538: in function ‘_on_event_loop’
…hearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.lua:58: in function <…hearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.lua:57>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘trigger’
radiant/modules/events.lua:63: in function ‘_update’
radiant/server.lua:66: in function <radiant/server.lua:63>
The water error I’ll pass on to @Albert. For the other part, I’ve been running this in the background for 10 minutes now, and everyone still seems to be doing their tasks. What speed are you running it at? Does the performance indicator at the bottom right show any idle (light green) cycles?
I apologize its my PC’s fault. Seems it was struggling to keep up. I was running at 2 speed but after pausing it for a few mins it seems to be normal again.
It isn’t your PC’s fault that SH is not sufficiently optimized. It appears that water bug is draining some performance. That town should run better once that’s fixed.