Happy Crossbow Girl

Hi dear~
I bring my character, Crossbow Girl!

And, I started upload my artwork at steam community.
Thanks a lot & See you soon.


Woohoo, another @Goldmetal piece :smiley: .

Got to say, I do love the character you put into these pieces. Very bright & cheerful - just what I feel Stonehearth is / should be :slight_smile: .


Once more sweet! :wink:

May I ask you which software you are using for all your fan art @Goldmetal?

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excellent time to introduce a new piece, and let all our new Steam EA brethren enjoy your talent too! :smile: :+1:

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Ahh, yes! Thanks for taking my suggestion! The artwork you make is extraordinary. :blush:


So much amaze. If I could, I would throw money at ya for a commission.

I am using the SAI tool.
It’s so nice to pen performance.
homapage : SYSTEMAX Software Development - PaintTool SAI


Very cute. Too bad I can’t color cause I suck at it.

my heart just melted, shes so cute!!! :heart_eyes: :heart:

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