Groms presents you the nearly instant free standing wall

Groms presents you the nearly instant free standing wall.
Works 100% every time.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. dig a line one block deep for your wall
  2. use the building tool to place a wall in that line and start building
  3. after your hearthlings have build the columns the wall will appear without beeing build(no scaffolding, no time)

Version Number and Mods in use:
Current version, last branch on steam 02.12.2016

settlementdecor mod
terrain_colors mod


That is due to the fact that the columns do not need scaffolding but the walls do need it. As you have dug the wall one block down there is no space for the scaffolding to be built. Without scaffolding the wall itself cannot be built. That leads the building system to instabuild (pof-pop) it. :smiley: Good catch!

Have fun, Kyth.