Gotta spam a bit but I really love this campaign and maybe it matches the tastes of some others here also.
Its a very nice idea for a comic about the first generation of kids born on Mars.
“Generation One: Children of Mars by Steven R. Stewart —Kickstarter”
[Generation One][1]
[1]: Generation One: Children of Mars by Steven R. Stewart —Kickstarter “Generation One”
Last 5 hours of this campaign - so I hope me bumping this will be excused
absolutely! and nice, it looks like they doubled their objective?
Well if things go well they might hit the 30K mark before the end, with that tripling the goal and meeting the stretch goal for the halloween special.
I really consider upping my pledge but the missus is holding me back.
listen to the missus… best advice i have ever been able to offer, and that includes “hugs not drugs”…
best of luck to the campaign though!