Hello i just started to learn modding the stonehearth files and read a bit here on the forums
So what i have done so far is to take the stonehearth.smod extract it to a folder then with Magickavoxel i opened the QB Model for a medium oak tree i changed few parts on it just to see if i could see it ingame.
i exported it with this in the picture and replaced the original QB in the folder of the tree
After this i made the folder into an .zip file again and with extensions enabled i changed .zip to .smod i have the new .smod in the Mod folder but it refuses to start.
I tried to do the exact samething with the Archipelago mod just to see if it would work with that. Then the game starts but i cant select the biome.
When you zip the folder, what ends up inside the zip? You must see just the folder there, not the folder contents. The folder name must be exactly the same as the .zip name.
Also, the folder must be compacted into a .zip. Not .rar or .7zip and then changed to zip, that will not work.
Did you also rename it into Stonehearth.smod before starting Stonehearth again?
Edit: nvm; I now see this:
But, if you open up the stonehearth folder within your zip-folder, do you see another folder namned stonehearth or do you see the manifest file and all the folders?