Now and then, the game kicks me to the desktop, but keeps running with mixed results
Steps to reproduce:
Playing the game - thought it might be a particular action causing it, but tried to take notice what I was doing when it kicked and what it might be doing and it seems to be a range: marqueeing a new mining area, watching hearthlings fill a new trunk, clicking on the notices button, inspecting a goblin, marqueeing loot for collection, watching them bustle around, trying to change slices, designing a building, watching a building get built, game on pause reading a description… More…
The screen suddenly flashes to desktop. No error message, no alerts, no other programs pulling focus. In game music continues, sound effects continue if it hasn’t crashed.
Most times it hasn’t crashed an I can click on the icon to return to the game.
Rarely I can continue to play. Often the game continues and I can highlight objects and change the camera but can’t interact with anything, no UI buttons work, no characters can be selected, objects can be selected but don’t show info panel at lower left, no crafting panels open, no building, no terrain view buttons, pause or play buttons. Keyboard doesn’t work: ESC doesn’t work. It won’t pause/unpause with 1, 2, and 3 keys. No shortcuts work. Can’t save. I can use option+tab to get out back to desktop tho.
Can only really force quit. Luckily use autosave so never lose much progress, but still annoying.
Had tried tabbing to desktop and back to the game but no dice - game still doesn’t work.
Expected Results:
It doesn’t seemingly completely randomly kick me
Actual Results:
completely randomly kicks me
Once there was a dialogue box that flashed up after it kicked me but it is so quick there was no chance of seeing what it said. Or recognising it as either a system dialogue or a game one - I did see an orange colour so I would guess a game one.
Version Number and Mods in use:
726 x32
Only the a…'s children mod that comes with the game (forgot name)
System Information:
Windows 7