Game crashes on start initial troubleshooting failed

The game crashes when I try to start the game. Graphics drivers are up to date, game allowed in firewall etc… When trying to start the game from steam, the small “starting game” window just appears in a short blink and then nothing happens.

I’m a new user so I can’t upload any attachments.

Versions and Mods:
No mods installed

System Information:
Running Windows ten, Radeon rx 500 and an external monitor

Have you attempted basic troubleshooting steps here:

[Have you attempted all the steps detailed in linked post? Please do before posting!]

Gone through all the steps and still not working!

Can you upload your stonehearth.log or crash dump? stonehearth.log and crash.dmp (if available) are located in the game install directory. Default Steam location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth. I’ve set your user level so you should be able to upload thing now.

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Ok! Here comes the crash.dmp

crash.dmp (70.4 KB)

It’s been over two weeks now. How is it going?

The error in that dump appears to be in the Steam overlay code. Are you using a beta version of Steam or do you have any unusual configuration (custom skin, etc.)?