Attempted to place several crates around the world to collect items out of the 4 i placed out of the settlement (world) only 2 were factually placed in the world. When one became full i sent it for retreival… another box was placed in the slot. At this time all the workers started standing around.
ive noticed a strange bug when im wanting to move some full storage containers when I have the same type in my stash piles.
when I move a full container I expect the one I want moved to be picked up and placed back to the new location. instead one gets taken form my stash and placed in the location I wanted one moved to, this keeps happening if I have that same item im wanting moved in a stash. once I run out of the items in the stash then the already placed ones will be moved
I think its @Albert or @yshan I should be paging? (sorry guys if im worng)
wondering if @8BitCrab or @jomaxro would know about this or have heard of something like this?
I can’t reproduce this in Alpha 13, but we also didn’t do anything that might have fixed it. If anyone has more information a good way to reproduce this, let us know.