Enable Chromium development tools

Is there some way to get access to the Chromium development tools? I’d love to start playing around with the UI and the easiest way to do that is simply by inspecting the DOM, playing with it, calling JS events, etc.


Anytime I try to attach to StoneHearth it just exits out… anyone else :slight_smile:

I’ll keep trying though… Anything web related is not my forte.


So I can attach to anything else, even this discourse page. But each time I attach to SH, it closes…

I’ve got to run out for a bit but

This looks promising.

For more advanced debugging, install the Ember Inspector from Ember Inspector - Chrome Web Store

From my chromium log :slight_smile:

I’ll be back it like an hour or so.


Yes. You need to figure out which version of Chromium Stonehearth used (by checking the version of the cef.dll), download that CEF package and extract a few files.

Using a different version will cause crashes and/or odd behaviour (such as weird console styling). This has worked well during Alpha 6/7, I’m sure it hasn’t changed since then.

The Ember inspector is not necessary and I don’t have it installed.


As for the address you simply go to localhost:1338 and click on the link there. That will load up the connection to the Chromium UI in your browser and you can test, tweak, and such from there.