So, in 543 in the desert bio, I attempted to place doors in a wall and the hearthlings built over the placement location. In latest 549 (I didn’t try in 543) I placed 2 doors in the same spot and the hearthlings then recognized the doorway opening and built around it.
The first time you place a door, it looks as if they door is ‘inside’ the wall and not really the way it would normally be obvious. Placing the 2nd door resulted in the door model being a bit more obvious in the intended wall…?
You had to place the door 2wice though right? Placing once results in non-placement for me still. I am however seeing a lot of the following graphical z-tearing within the blueprint model placed before being built.
I saw this issue pre 547 & 549 when attempting to ‘Re-place’ a slab floor that didn’t get built for whatever reason but the blueprint model of the slab floor was still there. Once I re-placed the slab floor in design/build mode on top/over the old floor blueprint, the result was visually the same. I think this is the culprit to the door issue. If I place 1 wall with the wall grow tool, the result visually looks like I have placed 2 wall on top of each other, funny that in order to get a door placed the user is forced to place a door 2wice in the same spot? Probably need a separate bug…
You can see in the pic the obvious doorway, but instead of the door obj. image you see the wall you are trying to place the door in. After placement here is what it looks like -
You can see there seems to be NO doorway here, verify by re-selecting to place a door from the build menu and hover the placement tool pointer over the original location to see the original placement.
Something seems odd with those walls…the texture makes it appear that the walls are overlapping something (like themselves), which could explain the double door issue, but I am not sure. I tried placing a wall pattern like that in my build and couldn’t get that texture to appear…@not_owen_wilson likely has more details.
Once in game enter build tool set and select 1st floor grow tool
Place a single row (1 voxel wide) of floor.
Select wall grow tool and place wall
Observe wall placement closely (usually you CANNOT tell because its usually a solid (mono)color)
Place Door into wall
Observe you can now see the graphical in-fighting(z-tearing) due to the interaction of the new (not same color) object
It’s my personal opinion that the game is attempting to place 4 walls into the single row of floor previously placed. There is no inherent rule outlined for building walls for a ‘building’ that is 1 row wide.
Also this issue is easier to see when using the design tiles
Note the visual difference of the 2 doors. The door on the left is a single placed door, where the door on the right is actually 2 doors placed in the same location.