Hey, just wondering if going forward if you could just kill the music when the stream starts. Often it is too loud and if someone present doesn’t say anything about it then anyone watching the VOD is just stuck with the sound and not being able to do anything about it.
I love hearing the relaxing music during the stream, but I’d have to agree that sometimes it can be too loud. I’d hope they could check the volune at the beginning more rather than having to lose it entirely, myself.
Paging @sdee and @brad - this does seem to have gotten worse recently. Stephanie mentioned the tracks on the stream machine aren’t normalized - perhaps that would help?
Maybe just make a lowtech post it note on the monitor in the streamingroom?
The latest dev stream posted on youtube is a perfect example. I totally understand them wanting to play music during the stream to set the atmosphere and gives them something to listen to so they’re not just sitting in a room talking to a screen for an hour or so with no music. (Ya gotta consider the devs as well) That being said I’d rather them work out the kinks and still play the music at a low volume, not kill it entirely. I love hearing the music playing in the background, background being the key word lol. It’s a slight tech blip I’m sure they’ll get it ironed out.