It is possible for you to add a color in background (same thing when a crafter craft a item [green]) when a job is finished (when the job is on = xx item) ?
Another thing : it is possible to add a button for change directly the number needed ? If =1 is not good i want to change =2. Actualy for doing this, i need to del the old task =1 and add a new task = 2 and to drag/drop the task for reorder the new task in the same order of the old task.
But I think that is a great idea! Similar to how we have green for active crafting and a red tag for missing ingredients, some indicator would be great for “I have made enough already”.
That is another great suggestion! I have moved your thoughts into a new thread (under suggestions) so they don’t get lost in a bug report. I agree that having a system for changing maintain recipes would be great. As the only method right now would be as you stated above.
Let me ping @sdee and @yshan to get their thoughts, I don’t think this would be very complicated to achieve.