CONTROVERSY: Should Video Games Be Considered Art?

I don’t know if games are art, as the nature of a game and the nature of art seem to me to be somewhat exclusive to each other. But games certainly do contain art, in both the visuals and the audio and how these experiences are combined.

I disagree entirely, the responses so far have been well written and interesting. 900 pages is also not all that long of a book. :wink:


tangential comment: reading the Song of Ice and Fire series perhaps? with the average length pushing 1k+ pages … :smile:

I hate reading books that are less than 1,500 pages. And have no sequels that are even longer.

Yes, yes they can be considered art.

I agree. Anything less than that just goes by MUCH too fast…

I would tend to agree with wminsing, A game has many artistic components, a story line however is not one of those components.

I would consider a game like a guided tour of an exhibition, the story line is the guide and it takes you through the many art installations assuming you can keep up with it, the art consists of the audio and visual installations.


While the “AAA” games may not be art you have to remember the potential for “indie” games to do so much more. I’ll avoid posting a large opinion for a bit and in the mean time I’ll just post a link, a link to a site that holds one of the largest collections of 100% cross-platform games on the internet, to be precise I’ll be linking to their philosophical games tag which should be fairly self explanatory. They’ll vary of course but still have a look at a few, so here.

Yes, several years ago, and Wheel of Time when I was younger and much more foolish. A couple of more giant-brick fantasy or sci-fi books besides, and a couple of giant history tomes as well. I’m a bit of a biblophile, as you can probably guess. :wink:

Ah, that hits the nail right on the head! Excellent analogy.

To expand on my thoughts a bit, it’s the combination of two mediums that really create the art aspect for me. One clear example that I recall was from the original Halo; there’s a section where you’re working your way back up and out of this installation and everything is quiet; you’re just sort of chilling as you climb. Then you hear on the radio that a massive Covenant force is landing and your top cover has to fall back; you’re going to have to fight your way out on your own. Your start to hear the Covenant forces above you, and right as you make hard contact the main battle theme kicks in and I (and others that I’ve seen play that scene) had this visceral reaction to that combination and timing; your adrenaline definitely kicks up. The emotional experience that scene created was art, to my mind.



i wasnt insulting anyone, i just meant i got lost in the words, and i know 900 pages isnt that long, but can you read it in less then 24 hours?

Back in the halcyon days of youth I was known to do that from time to time. With my adult responsibilities I admit I’ve slipped a bit. :smile:
