I have a Custom template named Tavern that had the image of that build displayed where you would normally see the Town Template for the pre-made Tavern. After deleting my Custom made template it displays this image not found icon.
After restarting my game it now correctly displays the Town Template for Tavern.
I don’t think having double names should be a problem. The game should not identify a build by its name, names are for us the players, but for the computer it doesn’t (or shouldn’t) matter.
This is why it is a strange bug, those two build are not even in the same folder… I don’t understand why the game mixed the two.
I’m guessing it is a js (ui) error, when it selects the build to delete, it searches who is the (html) element based on the name?
the original custom building was from before these new templates were added. I should have tested to see if it was just an image error or if it would actually build the custom building rather than the town template.
I think it would because if you notice the requirements for the building are lower for my custom building