Boxman Begins Game

Was going through my usual game scouting and found this on and it just started on kickstarter. I wanted to share this game because of its small crew of 2 people, its extremely simple and elegant approach and art style and it just look too awesome to let go through my mind.

Offical Website:

Kickstarter Link: Boxman Begins: A Unique Online Mutiplayer Shooter by Max Rogers —Kickstarter

It’s a 4v4 (potentially more) third person shooter in early development. It has some interesting modes like “Pass the Bullet” which is there is only 1 bullet on the map, everyone has a sniper. the bullet is passed randomly through usage. It has some creative ideas and want to see if you guys would like to help bring another awesome game to the world.

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hahaha… loved the introduction trailer! :+1:

the sniper portion was particularly awesome (I wonder if the headshots will actually shatter like that?)…

Added Kickstarter Link to 1st Post.

Looks really fun and clear. I don’t like people so the part where they started talking about themselves and the plan felt unprofessional to me. But hey, it’s a cool thing to see people my age doing.