Add a VERSION or README file with version info to game folder

I’m working on a tool for the game and ran into an issue of how to detect the version number of the game itself. The version is in the executable’s metadata (at least for Windows, not sure how it would work for other platforms) but not all languages lend API’s capable of reading this information without going platform specific. It would be great if the game’s folder had a VERSION or BUILD file with the number in it. A README file with the information in a programmatically-predictable place would work too (like KSP does). I can see this being valuable to mod and tool makers alike, especially as the engine features are being finalized and compatibility issues are likely to arise between different versions and the mods/tools.

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the versionnumber is in the exe and in the log :wink:

but the logfile will be only created when the game was min one time started

I know it is in the exe, but that’s not always easy to access depending on what language you are using and the API’s are rarely cross-platform capable. The log is, in general, undependable for the version number because there’s no guarantee it’ll be there.

hmmm then perhaps @Shizuyori can help you - for his mod manager he has found a way to read it

I’m not sure i can help, i don’t fully understand either :frowning:

I read the Metadata from the .exe…


Let me ping some devs here…I don’t think this would be an overly challenging task to accomplish. @sdee @yshan @Albert

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Appreciate it! In the meantime, I was able to find it in the stonehearth mod. Scraping it from the release notes at ${GAME}\mods\stonehearth.smod\stonehearth\release_notes\release_notes.html

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But there are not really the correct Version numbers xD

Right, it’s a simple version string. This will work for my use case though until, and if, another way becomes apparent.

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