From the new(er) roadmap:
“But If you’re passionate about multiplayer, help us out by explaining why you’re interested in playing Stonehearth with other people.”
The real world is rotten and I hate it. It’s basically why I play video games - and there’s a decent chance you, the reader, have felt this way at least a few times in your life as well.
So, when I settle in for a multiplayer session, it’s a way to spend time with my friends without the mess, clutter, and insanity of the real world getting in the way. We’re sharing a space, we’re interacting. We can spend time together in a world that makes some kind of sense - where the problems are tangible, countable entities with achievable paths toward overcoming them.
Personally, I prefer constructive rather than destructive goals. I like cooperating to overcome challenges, and striving together for a goal we can both be excited about achieving. I like feeling as though my efforts have changed or shaped the world in some way - my intent translated into a palpable mark on the game.
PvP has its place too, but I am not much of a PvPer so I can’t really make a decent argument for or against it. I’ll leave that to the pros.
I imagine a Stonehearth multiplayer session where two (or more?) players start nearby one another, and “connecting” to one another becomes a goal on the “get settled in” list for starting a new game. Build a road, or assign some hearthlings as “traders” or something. Before long, I start seeing her hearthlings at my settlement, and mine at hers. If she is overwhelmed by an attack, I can send some guards.
If we’re really dedicated, we can just build together - one person handling the defense and the other the food and resources, maybe.
Anyway, that’s uh…that’s about it xD I think about multiplayer a lot. I’m glad the developers are focusing on gameplay polish! But…multiplayer has been on my radar since I picked up Early Access, so I figured I’d put this out into the aether for people to like or not.