Poll: If Team Radiant had a focus for Alpha 10, should it be?

When something works, and then slowly stops working, over running time, it’s usually a resource usage issue, not a logic issue. :frowning: So, alas, some of both.


So if it means the left hand is adding new features and the right hand is fixing bugs then I’d go with both hands working on features a bit then both on bugs, keep the brain on same page.

I really don’t think it’s a issue of stopping Feature additions totally. I just think as of right now maybe a 60% focus on stability 40% feature is in order
for a week or two (I voted bugs only to emphasize it a bit for now).


Not an option for Optimize Graphics? This makes me sad :unamused:

That said, I have to say bug fixes as optimizations would probably fall in that category. Also, for building, fixing bugs would be a feature in itself.

@SteveAdamo, what just happened to my comment? Apparently you edited it. What did you do and why?

I would do a 1 major bug fix then a few minors, and then add features. Why you may ask. Well with each new build more bugs come and some go. Plus agreed they will nuke (“Nuke” Tom’s word for getting rid of something {Look it up in Tom’s new Dictonary} lol) something. I dont disagree bugs should be worked on to keep the game stable enough to test. But a lot things can be worked on at the tail end of builds

I “edited” it to bump the thread back to the top… :wink:


Fixing bugs would be great; however Castle Story did this a year ago and re-coded there engine while releasing nothing. It pretty much killed there game, while there are some bugs outside of the instability after playing for a while there is nothing that is a show stopper. I would rather see the progress on bugs continue; however the rapid pace of features be maintained.


I think we can safely say at this point that we like more stuff! - Bug fixes are also important but they don’t bring the same sort of hype as new content and helps lower the risk of people being burnt out by the game prematurely.

Ideally a balance of bug fixing and a few small new goodies would be the best course.


so i guess @TomMartow is an alien then… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’d like more features myself. Bugs can be annoying, sure; but it’s in testing phase. I expect that till release. Another reason is the development window. With Stonehearth still being in Alpha test so long after the Kickstarter, I think feature addition would help soothe inquiries, with that “you can see stuff being added” feeling. If not for everyone, at least for some of the more impatient backers.

I’m really a guy how like to dig. Deep and wide. And, right now the game doesnt help me. Mainly by the bug on the path and tasks done by the hearthlings.

Glad to be part of the community.

Aside from a few ones that are fairly serious and that are being worked on before the release of Alpha 9 (the framerate and crash issues), I haven’t encountered a lot of very major bugs. The system seems pretty stable already as is (aside from the aforementioned issues, but again, those should be about by Alpha 9’s release). That’s why I voted for features :blush:

I find that too. Ever since the x64 client came out, I have had a very smooth experience. I’ve only had occasional errors popping up, but I can usually just clear them or (in extreme cases) save reload and they go away. No issues with serious crashes or dead save games etc.

There do seem to be some pretty serious issues for some people though, which I suspect has to do with different operating system patch levels, GFX cards and driver versions etc. I just seem to have lucked into the right combination (which probably means I have the same OS and the same GFX driver level as Radiant’s development PCs grin)


Add more building templates, and new things

I Think bugs should be fixed
I love to play this game but my playing is limited becasue of random crashes, my work stations breaking and thing being placed in the ground i think you should make a 9.5 for bug fixes so that an awesome playable non crashing version of thee game is availabe :smile:

ok here’s my list of things i want to see on alpha 10
but first main ting i want to see is MAKE THE AI BETTER because some times my people cant find my stock piles so it takes them forever to build and they cant eat properly so yeah

1 add attack option so your footman can attack the troll camps

2 add halloween decor scare crows jack o lanterns costumes

3 more enemies

4 better ai/pathfindin (i already said this for main thing that i want)

5 you can see the caravans survivors coming to your town

thats all i want for alpha10 but on beta release i want alot of stuff LOL

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  1. there is already an attack option in the partymenue^^

If multi-story buildings are coming in the next alpha, we need a pathfinding overhaul. If we don’t get this overhaul, I’ll build something that requires the AI to improve. :wink:

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I need more furniture.

Can we possibly have a few more set pieces to spruce up our towns?

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