Summary: I ordered a garden lantern to be placed from the stockpile, and my Hearthians instead moved an already-placed garden lantern nearby over to the designated spot. Not sure how to reproduce, but see attached video.
Versions and mods:
No mods; latest release version in Steam at the time of writing, version 0.1.0 (release 393) x64, according to the title screen.
Similar and possibly related bug: When the carpenter makes a comfy chair, he’ll sometimes take a deployed chair to turn into the comfy chair despite having undeployed chairs in the stockpile.
Happen two times last night.lucky the carpenter only take beds i put outside. It will disaster if he steal beds inside building. I can assume the AI took nearest route to find X items and produce Y items, never care that is placed items or not
No, they’ll certainly take items from the stockpile to make comfy versions. They just like to use already placed ones for some reason (maybe because they are closer, maybe because they are older).