Module (Mission) Ideas

Interesting stuff! That could open up a whole system of repairing and upgrading the robot using minerals and such.

Me and my buddy Raj were talking about this the other night. I would make a quest that would require you to help three small pre-built forts on mountain tops. One would be in ruins and abandoned, one would be held by the enemy, and one would have potential allies but under siege.

You would have to help build up the ruins into a fully operational fort, lift the siege and take out the opposing army. If you succeeded, the people of the fort would give you a beacon you can put in your city that could be used as a distress call. If it was lit, the forts would send their soldiers to help and vice-versa.

Raj had an interesting idea (being a musician I guess) that would be to have a job class for artists and bards. This class would promote tourism so it was important your city didn’t just function well but was pretty to look at too. This way, if you built up a festival area with restaurants and stages and parks, random/temporary tourists could occasionally pop in and boost your economy and food supply. The artist’s class tree could branch from providing this kind of world tourism/trade bonus to a different class that, when playing their music, would help increase the speed of workers in a certain radius. Get enough together to form a band (would have to craft different instruments) and the radius would be bigger. City wide festivals that, if placed carefully enough, would not only invite tourists but also increase productivity by say 2-5% across your whole town.

But then I got into this whole thing about thief classes who could sneak into cities and steal things during festivals which would require policing in your city to crack down on and Raj was talking about having music that changed based on the size and state of your city and…well, we got carried away.

So let’s leave it at that for now!