[Mod] Colors Mod by Chimeforest

It might be a little while, but it will be all the better because of it, I promise.
I’m working on another (secret)SH related project atm, and after I finish that I’ll update this mod =]


Waiting not-so-patiently.

Hello Everyone,

This mod is fairly out of date, and I’m am not going to be able to update it for some time. I work 7 days a week at a couple of traditional jobs and have also been commissioned to make some software on the side. If it were possible to make a living wage modding Stonehearth I would do that, but I don’t think that is something which is feasible.

Perhaps someday I’ll be able to mod again for Stonehearth, but it’s probably a couple years off. Especially since I’d need to finish my secret SH project before working on this one again. Which I suppose I might as well spill the beans about. It was going to be a mod maker for Stonehearth which would allow users to make simple mods without any programming or editing of json files required, and the mods would be easily updated. I had made some progress on it, but then school started.

The Stonehearth Mod Maker is something that I would need to complete in order to begin working on this mod. Firstly, it would speed up the production of adding new items. Secondly, and most importantly, it would allow the mod to be updated fairly easily by just editing a few json files instead of hundreds (no, that is not an overstatement for this mod).

So… that is where things stand. Overworked, underpaid, and with no free time to speak of. Someday, I really want to come back and start making stuff for Stonehearth, but today is not that day. I’ll still be popping into the discourse now and again to say hi and see what’s new, but for now, all of my modding is on hold indefinitely.

Thank you for understanding,


I completely understand. It seems losing time for Stonehearth is happening for more and more of us, but I’m glad to see you back on the Discourse, if briefly.


Thank you for the work you put into this mod in the past, we understand real life takes priority. Here’s wishing you all the best in your endeavors!!! :merry: