Lets Talk Caves

What the… Did You make that work?!

just spent an entire day hacking away the inside of a mountain :slight_smile:


Oh well, if the generators were written in Java, I’d hack down a mod :wink: But I dont wanna get into more stuff right now.

Well, the goblin camp is already capable of removing some terrain as part of its spawn routine… so there’s something in the code already to enable that. IDK if it would be exposed to modding, but at least it’s already proven to be possible.

Personally, I hate the idea of random caves appearing when monster camps generate; but if that’s what other players like the idea of, a proof-of-concept mod can’t hurt.

Even if you don’t have the time to make that mod, someone else might be able to take the idea and run with it :smile:

How about an option button on the screen where the world seeds are generated so that you could choose caves or no caves? In peaceful mode there would be caves but no monsters, but some interesting loot to find and in the games with combat there could be monsters as well.

I wonder when we will be able to see this feature. This would be so cool!

Actually I would love to see the map fully fleshed out, before anything else. Then see them focus on the hearthlings and mobs to the UI and other things. Just my opinion


Full lakes
ect ect


I agree with this 100% – with the full world in place we can make our own stories that much more richly detailed, and have many cool new things to experience.

The interaction between the living actors is cool, but Stonehearth will always boil down to how the player interacts with the world more than how the hearthlings and mobs interact with each other. The world design is, IMO, the most important aspect of the game by far.

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I love the idea of caves, but we need two things first.

  1. slice view needs to be controllable on a singular level AND the incremental level (big arrow, little arrow for +1/-1 and +4/-4)

  2. a simple modifier key for scaling your mining up/down needs to be implemented ASAP . its kind of astounding to me that a game in this vein doesnt have simple up/down mining yet! planar x-y mining isnt enough when the desert is primarily composed of large flat expanses that are frequently tens of z-levels apart.


Theres a new dev @Carl_Quinn responsible for fixing keybinds and making the ui more accessible if i recall correctly. He might agree with your suggestion @Valkuma

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