How Should Dungeons Work?

I think it should work like Castle Story. If you’re like me, you’ll remember that in the the blog post about getting the game or something, one of the games in the thing-a-ma-jig was Castle Story.

To me the word Dungeon means an area to adventure in. Not necessarily the basement of a castle.
Maybe we should use a different term? Oubliette?
Hedge mazes with minions of the Plant Master snapping at your hiney and stealing the hat from your head as you stumble through trip vines and pits to the treasure in the outer edge of the far side because you couldn’t find it in the center. But maybe in the center is an entrance to an underground maze as well; filled with The Rabid Rabbits of Doom.
Next door is a small hut that looks like a phone booth but it’s bigger on the inside filled with pimple covered dwarves waving loofah pads and shouting Exfoliate!


I wonder what kind of dungeon an x-rated game would have…
strippers with chainsaws? or maybe chipendales who slap people to death.

Well, things certainly took a turn for the weird there :stuck_out_tongue:

Luckily for us we don’t need to entertain the thought!


agreed! I’m partial to “adventure zone” myself… but given some of the recent comments here, that might take on an entirely different meaning… :wink:


Perhaps the play style of the game could change when choosing to enter a dungeon?

Normally the game has little to no micro management, and the goal is to collect resources and build a town. But what if for “Dungeon Crawling”, you send a group of settlers/warriors of your choice using more Micro Management than usual, and any treasures you obtain while in this mode could be kept and returned to the overworld.

Also, in an online game, you could request the other players to join in a dungeon crawl, and if they all agree, you send settlers from all real player factions into the depths. I don’t know how it would work to do with in multiplayer any other way, because then the other players might be able to attack the questing dungeoneers town, unless a kind of “Force Field” was projected around your town while your dungeoning.

Just a thought -shrugs-

I think this idea has merit; the rest of the game is (or will be) based on a series of ‘micro-games’ with differing details (farming isn’t the same as crafting, etc) then this is taking a similar concept and extending it.


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I Didn’t check to see if this was put up already but I may as well take a say in this. And if it IS in there is my own ideas in this.

Dungeons my be Hidden OR Shown by an entrance. and have MANY like MANY types and look (e.g. Shown, with a wood floor and Stone walls) there are some parts in dungeons that are just for Decoration (Pillars, and other things) but there are elements that are AWESOME about dungeons i.e the loot! this can include placable and Item that come in: weapons, food, materials and other things and yes goblins and enemy’s CAN spawn in a 50-50 chance. and if they do they have personal rooms that have, If a Goblin ,the Goblin camp fire that spawns enemy’s. there are allot of them in one dungeon and, yes, they can spawn zombies and skeletons. also in a Goblin dungeon there is between 1-3 “Commanding rooms”, these have 1 boss in each room and hold a large diamond chest that spawn a “Rare” treasure. then there are “Undead” dungeons. These spawn endless waves of undead but they DON’T come out during the day and attack in a wave during night. then there is a rare dungeon called a “treasure hole” these are pasive and spawn no enemy’s and are easy to access but are ALWAYS Hidden. they hold a S*IT ton of treasure of all tiers (Common, Rare, ect.)

Just a quick update;
a new profession for hearthling is the explorer by crafting a torch/flaming stick and promoting a level 3 footman. they keep the sword and hold the torch/flaming stick in the place of the shield. they are FAST but have low defence and tend to run when damaged. they explore… allot, and only explore the terrain levels you have "Unlocked by digging to building a way to them. they don’t explore dungeons and must be instructed to by first clicking on the Explorer and then on a “Dungeon Tile”

I really don’t understand how it can be so hard to use the search function:

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I was a big, BIG fan of My Life as King. I enjoyed every aspect of the game, especially when it came to rewarding Adventurers for their chores. I’m a sucker for Lore and such, so I loved, LOVED reading the reports that my Adventures brought back.

It reminds me of the Village’s Journal “Slept on the ground again tonight.” with my little addendum, “Despite there being 42 beds and 26 Hearthlings.” I could handle a silly report back, “Jenny, Fred and Tom come upon a room filled with Treasure!” This is where the Stats like Courage, Stamina, and Curiosity could come into play:

Courage: The Adventurer’s ability to push forward, despite warning signs. This could be either good or bad, depending upon the situation, how large the Adventuring party is, what is in the Party, and what the party is facing.

Ex: Your Adventuring Party arrives in a room with a flag posted in the ground, the flag is in tatters and surrounded by skulls. Human skulls, from the look of it.

  • At this point, the game can run a check on the Courage value of the Adventurers, if it doesn’t meet a certain standard (Say for this instance, it’s 25), the Adventurer will run back to town in a panic (Due to them having only 24). Where if it’s high enough, they will press on (26). However, if one Adventurer has an over abundance of Courage (Say 35), their Courage is infectious and will press the whole party onward, to victory, or defeat!

Stamina: How long the said Adventurer is willing to explore a Dungeon.

Ex: “We’ve been at this awhile now, I think it’s time to head back and rest!” Fred has reached his limits, and returns to Town.

  • If the party has just recently pressed on from a Courage Boost, chances are they’ve either found a Treasure Room, or a Monster Room, and will finish that task, prior to heading home.

Curiosity: The Adventurers natural knack to get into things, that they probably shouldn’t! “There’s a hole in the wall, I’m going to check it out!” A double edge sword. This trait can benefit the party, or hurt the party on given situations.

Ex: “There’s a hole in the wall, I’m going to check it out!” Depending upon how high their curiosity is, will depending upon the Adventurer’s action.

-Scenario 1: Curiosity is at 25. The Adventurer will examine the whole before doing anything rash.

-Scenario 2: Curiosity is at 75. The Adventurer will immediately shove his hand into the hole and
see what’s inside!

-Scenario 3: Curiosity is at 50. The Adventurer will pick randomly between the two actions. Courage may be the deciding factor to shove their hand into the hole.

All completely automated, based upon the characters stats and abilities. Of course, anything negative can also be easily outmaneuvered. Diligence would be a prime example for this.

Ex: The Adventure plunges his hand into the unknown hole, feeling around when suddenly… (Diligence is at 50) He rears his hand back in alarm, just as a snake lunges to bite him!

Ex 2: The Adventure plunges his hand into the unknown hole, feeling around when suddenly… (Diligence is at 11) He cries out in pain! A snake has latched onto his hand, inflicting Poison.

Ex 3: The Adventure plunges his hand into the unknown hole, feeling around when suddenly… (Muscle is at 70) … He continues to feel around, feeling something that felt like a mild tickle.

Ex 4: The Adventure plunges his hand into the unknown hole, feeling around when suddenly…
(Compassion is at 35) A small snake scurries out of the hole on the Adventures arm. New pet obtained!

You know… a bunch of fun, automated, random nonsense. Sorry, started to go off on a wee bit of a ramble there XD

But yes… That~

Signed by your friendly neighborhood.

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I wanted to bring this topic back because we still have to idea how radiant is going to do dungeons. And as of a few months have not seen to much talk about it. Maybe they will have some preset dungeons and have them spawn randomly in the world. Maybe the walls will be unbreakable so heathlings must venture through to find bosses and loot. Just throwing it out there for the new people on the forums.

I like the Idea of the “Adventure Zones” I’d love to see maybe ruins of a castle taken over by the black cord and well defended. or the ruins of a village and goblins picking it apart for anything shiny. Perhaps survivors or people being held hostage could be involved. Also dungeons would be cool if they spawned on the map and maybe someone tells you a rumor that they spotted an entrance to one. In addition I think that all these things should be on the map not separate campaigns to send troops on. I think to solve other worries about future proofing and such they should instate grace periods in which no enemies spawn (or be attacked by another player) for a few days so you can indulge in adventure.

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