[Help] Adding a recipe to carpenter list

Hi Guys (not sure if this is the right section…)

I’m trying to use the override function to replace the carpenter’s recipe list.

But when I try and open the workshop menu to craft an item it doesn’t open.

Below is the error code and the files I am using


    2014-Feb-08 16:46:16.636535 | 1 |                  renderer.entity | selected authoring entity (Entity 56 Carpenter Workbench).  Ignoring
2014-Feb-08 16:46:16.653536 | 1 |                  renderer.entity | selected authoring entity (Entity 56 Carpenter Workbench).  Ignoring
2014-Feb-08 16:46:16.849562 | 1 |                  renderer.entity | selected authoring entity (Entity 56 Carpenter Workbench).  Ignoring
2014-Feb-08 16:46:17.040585 | 1 |                  renderer.entity | selected authoring entity (Entity 56 Carpenter Workbench).  Ignoring
2014-Feb-08 16:46:17.269613 | 1 |                  renderer.entity | selected authoring entity (Entity 56 Carpenter Workbench).  Ignoring
2014-Feb-08 16:46:17.424630 | 1 |                  renderer.entity | selected authoring entity (Entity 56 Carpenter Workbench).  Ignoring
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '434'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '435'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '436'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '437'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '438'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '439'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '440'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '441'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '442'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '443'
2014-Feb-08 16:46:52.232207 | 1 |                              rpc | received reply with unknown call id '444'


	"info" : {
		"name" : "Colors"
	"aliases" : {
		"purplebunny" : "file(entities/critters/purplebunny)",
		"comfy_bed_dkpurple" : "file(entities/furniture/comfy_bed/comfy_bed_dkpurple.json)",
		"comfy_bed_dkpurple_proxy" : "file(entities/furniture/comfy_bed/comfy_bed_dkpurple_proxy.json)",
		"cloth_bolt_dkpurple" : "file(entities/crafting_materials/cloth_bolt/cloth_bolt_dkpurple.json)",
		"dye_dkpurple" : "file(entities/crafting_materials/dye/dye_dkpurple.json)",
		"comfy_bed_dkyellow" : "file(entities/furniture/comfy_bed/comfy_bed_dkyellow.json)",
		"comfy_bed_dkyellow_proxy" : "file(entities/furniture/comfy_bed/comfy_bed_dkyellow_proxy.json)",
		"cloth_bolt_dkyellow" : "file(entities/crafting_materials/cloth_bolt/cloth_bolt_dkyellow.json)",
		"dye_dkyellow" : "file(entities/crafting_materials/dye/dye_dkyellow.json)",
		"mixinto:berry_bush" : "file(/mixintos/berry_basket.json)",
		"mixinto:cloth_bolt" : "file(/mixintos/cloth_bolt.json)",
		"override:carpenter_recipes" : "file(/overrides/carpenter_recipes.json)",
		"override:wool_png" : "file(/overrides/wool_bundle.png)",
		"recipe:comfy_bed_dk_purple" : "file(/recipes/comfy_bed_dk_purple.json)",
		"recipe:sheep" : "file(colors/recipes/sheep_recipe.json)"
	"mixintos": {
        "stonehearth:berry_bush" : ["colors:mixinto:berry_bush"],
		"stonehearth:cloth_bolt" : ["colors:mixinto:cloth_bolt"]
	"overrides": {
		"stonehearth/entities/professions/carpenter/recipes/recipes.json" : "colors:override:carpenter_recipes",
		"stonehearth/entities/cloth/wool/wool_bundle/wool_bundle.png" : "colors:override:wool_png"


   "craftable_recipes" : [
         "category" : "Construction & Furnishings",
         "recipes" : [
         "category" : "Tools, Weapons & Armor",
         "recipes" : [

In the manifest file for recipe:sheep I’ve also tried “file(/colors/recipes/sheep_recipe.json)” and “file(recipes/sheep_recipe.json)”, I don’t get any “could not find” errors, but it still doesn’t work.

Before when sheep_recipe.json was in the same directory as recipes.json I had no trouble; so my current guess is that the recipe needs a relative directory, not an absolute one, but I’m not sure how to do this with lua/json or if even that’s what’s wrong.

Help me, pretty please? =3

I moved 2 posts to an existing topic: Taking Questions about Mixintos and Overrides

hope you don’t mind @chimeforest… seemed fitting to merge your thread there… I wish I were home so I could spend more time messing with this! :smile: