Favourite fictional characters

  1. Insert calibration joke here.

  2. I was never into the DA games that much, but for the ME characters… eh, I’m not sure they really jumped out at me. They came across as more bumpy-forehead aliens. Tali was probably the most interesting of the three you mentioned though.

Garrus was, oh god, Garrus. You beautiful turian. I’d have to chuck a fair few more in there @Sdee, I found most of the ME characters to be awesome, Legion, Thane, Mordin, Wrex. So good :cry:

Dragon Age 2 was definitely underwhelming in comparison to 1, but Inquisition certainly looks to be a solid entry so far, will have to wait and see when we get hands on with it.


I just got an extra favorite character:
Adree from Glazedcoast an DF lp

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Sir Humphrey and Jim Hacker as a sparring combo is an all time favourite, especially when Jim gets the upper hand, e.g. “The Key”.

Again, I have watched and rewatched House of Cards (original UK series) over the years. Francis Urquhart is mesmerising.

Edmund Blackadder:
Great one liners, withering looks, “My path is strewn with cowpats from Satan’s own satanic herrrrrd!”

Raistlin Majere:
I spent many teenage years reading the Dragonlance books. Many think him evil to the core, but he just wanted to master magic. He wanted to become a god, but in the end he sacrificed himself for one and all.