Fan Art: Smelter Concept!

They all look good… I like number 2 the most though…

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It’s made of fire cement/mortar. I guess back in the day that would have been a ceramic of some sort.

I really like the idea of having bloomeries as a first-tier option. We’d ultimately need a source of steel to build hammers and anvils for blacksmiths, wouldn’t we? I remember watching a video on bloomery steel a few years back, I think it’s this one:

IIRC, they’re destroyed in the process of making the bloom, which could factor into their cost-effectiveness, i.e. they consume stone to use, in addition to wood, and a worker automatically “builds” a new one between smelts.

With regards to your reskins, I like #1 and #2, except maybe with a bronze diffuser :stuck_out_tongue:


That video was fascinating, thanks for sharing =] :+1:

Maybe the first ones were, but all the diagrams and pictures I have seen so far have been reusable. and that one in the video has definitely been used before.
EDIT: I just found this video on youtube it explains about prehistoric smelting. This is probably what you were thinking of.

Like this?

Version 1.1d. I like the bronze diffuser ^^

Indeed, at least eventually. They’d probably have to start with stone, and then upgrade.

I had a couple ideas about smelter vs bloomery, and I think the made differences are probably going to be time and efficiency(if this ends up being a mod etc etc).
For example, in a bloomery, say 4 iron ore and 2 charcoal could output 2 iron ingots and 1 slag after 10 work units. But a smelter could input 4 iron or and 2 charcoal and output 3-4 ingots and 0-1 slag after 5-7 work units.
What do you think?

Also, would the blacksmith have an anvil/forge and a smelter as two separate workstations, or would it just be one big one? Can a stonehearthian crafter own two workstations?
I’d prefer if they were separate, that way you can upgrade them individually.


Looking good!!

Yup! Increased efficiency with a better tool makes sense. Not sure what the slag would be used for… chucking at goblins, perhaps? Catapult shot?

I’m not sure what the blacksmiths will be like, but I’d say they’d be mainly using the anvil/forge. The smelter could possibly be something to do when free, similar to how the carpenter can build when he’s not busy?

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Just read that slag can be used to make a kind of concrete. Maybe it could be used in some road building? Or maybe for castle walls or something?

I think #1 and #2 are the best - #3 has too much brickwork I think, so I’m torn between having the metal be all iron or a mix :slight_smile: .

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All good uses xD
It was also used for jewelry and to add color to ceramics. Also It could be ground up and melted into a glass like material.

I was also thinking that if people just wanted slag they could throw rocks and charcoal into the bloomery, since slag is all the impurities from ore smelting, and that’s what rocks would equate to, I think slag/slag colored rocks could be a pretty cool building material. ^^


Wow! Great work both @chimeforest and @phector2004!!


I did a little more work on the model. For one, I divided it into multiple matrices so it might be easier to animate, someday by somebody, maybe…

Together they might look like this:

Also, I uploaded it onto ShPad by @RepeatPan so that you guys could look at it in 3d =]

What do you guys think?


That looks excellent! I’m hoping that ‘someday’ isn’t too far away :blush:

Looks really good! Although I’m not sure if the colors aren’t a bit too “dark” for the otherwise rather cheerful Stonehearth.


The tray is perhaps too brown, and the mortar seems too red, but other than that good!

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I think that looks great!!!

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Looks good. I am willing to animate it if you send me the model. With some minor adjustments it should be rather easy to do.


Awesome, I’m gonna make a couple tweaks to it myself and then I’ll send you =]

Yeah, but I’m not sure exactly how to make it more cheerful without it looking weird or super saturated.

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I know this is a different thing, but it very much reminded me of the smelter =]


I think when the workshop expansion is implemented, somebody ought to make a pizza mod for the chef with different grade (earth, stone, bronze, iron) pizza ovens are added.

There should also be a pizza buff that adds teenage mutant ninja skills to your hearthlings.

Maybe even expand it to pizza armor… pizza goblins… pizza titans?


I heartily endorse all of the above =D