[Dev Blog] - Desktop Tuesday, The Continuing Saga of Day/Night Cycle

im sensing that was sarcasm… but im still a bit groggy… unless of course you’re referring to the very glaring “0” in 2:20am? :smile:

hmm… i like that… variations of a guard class… :smiley:

  • day guard (basic level, patrols the town during a day cycle, but rests by night)
  • night guard (basic level, patrols the town during a night cycle, but rests by day)
  • day watch (basic level, stands a post in town during they day cycle, but rests by night)
  • night watch (basic level, stands a post in town during they night cycle, but rests by day)
  • caravan guard (advanced level, shadows other units from A to Z)
  • elite guard (advanced guard, stands watch in protection of high profile units or buildings)
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@SteveAdamo Exactly my friend, I am referring to this big, ugly “0”… how could this happen? And if you are really looking for it…


Seems like there is a font-conspiracy going on!

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These things are actually very easy to mod, just rename the sun and moon picture. I would not worry about that

hahaha… not going to cut @Tom any slack, are you… :tongue:

I like them more as settings you are able to give to a guard. And if you switch them over too much it will have automatically have a jetlag and sleep parts during duty.

Meh. Us Latin alphabet users must live with the shame of having so many circles… And the mathematicians of earth too…

yea but what’s to say a class is set in stone? wouldn’t wanna do the same job your whole life. why not let your little men re-class if they want :slight_smile:

edit: perhaps you assign someone a class so you can re-class your already classed classes… like a principle class or something :smiley:

precisely… you give the unit a day guard outfit, and poof, he’s a day guard (with the associated sleep cycle and AI patrol patterns)…

you give him am improved outfit and gear, and poof, he’s an elite guard, etc.

because that is what Radient want with classes. They want to have them to not switch all the time.

i dont recall hearing this… was that from a stream perhaps?

i’m not sure what the downside would be in switching professions (via re-equipping units)…

I remember hearing that. If I have it right in my mind, there have been some questions on how learned skills could be handled. E.g. if your hunter is promoted to a chef, you do not have a hunter anymore. So either you need to educate a new one (who might start with zero skills), or demote your chef back to a hunter… and he still might have forgot all the skills. However, not sure if there was a final conclusion.

oh, definitely… you would lose the previous profession’s skills… but that’s the player’s choice…

“i dont need two farmers any longer… i think Mer will now serve as a lumberjack”…

i dont think that once Mer is “promoted” to a farmer initially, the player would not have a chance to put him into another profession at some later point…

perhaps i’m wrong though?

I am pretty sure that higher tier classes will have all the abilities of the classes below them on the tree. If you promote someone they shouldn’t forget everything they know. For example if you promote a brewer to brew-master he should still be able to craft everything that a brewer could. I think I recall something in one of the live-streams regarding this.

The most important question for me here…what do we do at night? I mean if I spend say ten minutes working, and then all my workers get tired and go to sleep, what do I do for the next ten minutes of the night cycle? Start assigning tasks for them to perform once they wake? I are confuzled…

it should be obvious, but just in case… the freaks come out at night! :musical_note:

thats a good question though… aside from the obvious “restorative” benefits for your units (perhaps they’ll have reduced fatigue, improved performance, etc.), there would have to be something tangible to “do” at night as well… as opposed to watching all the :zzz:'s

perhaps there will be certain functions/activities that can only be performed at night (wondering who will bite on that one)…

What, you mean like sex? And hunting creepers? And killing skeletons so you can make bonemeal fertilizer so your crops will grow better/faster?

i wouldnt be so hard on yourself… but no, i was thinking more along the lines of certain crops that grow best by moonlight, or certain game that are more likely to be tamed/hunted during the night cycle… :wink:

Dang, dearest Lord Adamo… I had no idea…

What, do you mean, say, mushroom farms or “special things”? (I just finished reading The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King)

absolutely! why not, right? SH could have a somewhat alien landscape, with a whole host of flora/fauna that are active during night… :smile:

yes. It was on some of the streams. Go re-watch them all, cause you clearly missed something :smile:.
I dont recall which stream it was. It was about promoting a worker to a carpenter. You cannot switch him back to the worker. Otherwise you would just switch profession all the time. It is the strategy to find the right time to promote the worker at the loss of harvesting and building power.