Customizing Hearthlings?

hmmm the mod shouldnt be very difficult to make … just add the modells to the civiliazations … but for the modells … i dont know xD im very uncreative :wink:

but if you want you can change one of the known heads into vox and change them with magicvoxel ^^ or quibcle 2.0

I’m very artsy, but not the least bit code friendly and have no mod experience, or I’d give it a try…

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here are the vox of a female and a male haad ^^ Dropbox - Error

and here the link to magica

have fun and make at best a new thread like Head sry little joke & Shoulders ^^

i’m actually already working on the models for this “mod”, but i’m not so good with code, thats why i probably wont end up making the mod :wink:

ok which mod … the hairmod or the a mod to change stats ^^^^^^ if you mean the hair mod it was moved here [MOD] Locks of Many Colours:Version 4 now available! [A16]


Eeep! I’ll happily co-conspire if you like; I’m cruising through colouring, but actually making models isn’t going near as smoothly…


yes, it was the hair mod i was talking about, but i see that @Kittyodoom has already beat me too it :wink:

[quote=“Kittyodoom, post:26, topic:18600”]
Eeep! I’ll happily co-conspire if you like; I’m cruising through colouring, but actually making models isn’t going near as smoothly…
[/quote]i’ll let you make the mod, however, i could supply you with my mohawk and a few other models i’m working on.

now, lets take any further convo of this mod to @Kittyodoom’s mod thread if you don’t mind, as we’ve already derailed this thread enough as it is…


I think it would be kinda cool if the blacksmith could make scissors and maybe its a 1 time use for hair cut or something haha


Great job on the mod: Hearthlings of Many Faces. I can now visually identify my guys. For example, I can now make my footman the guy with a mohawk, on I know the farmer is the blond with ponytails. Loving this game more and more everyday.