[Con] Badly placed goblin camp

i know what you mean but i think its more realistic when the use the normal gras bottom ^^ hmmm that reminds me that we already needs slabs with the normal green color . so if someone make an issue while building he can set the slab to camouflage xD


Well, I don’t know exactly how many alphas it will be until the geomancer, but… someday…

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Doubt it. The landscaper actually has a check for width/height (i.e. “don’t place a tree within X units of me”) - that trees spawn on top of other trees is simply because the size is (if I remember correctly) fixed for all trees, so the larger trees tend to be bigger than their “bounding box”. There’s no real check whether the terrain is even for the whole bounding box/the whole trunk, the entity is placed at some location, which will be the center of said entity, and it will be directly on the surface. If that happens to be a cliff, part of the object can “hang out”.

Avoiding this could be kind-of simple (fire a bunch of raytraces to the ground and make sure that Y is equal at every point) but solving trees wouldn’t solve camps - at least, not currently. I suppose ideally, the camp would behave like a tree, i.e. the whole camp needs to be on the same height. So include a function for that and use it in the landscaper and the camp placer and the issue would be fixed. Kind of. Depending on how you do the check, entities might not count (for camps, for example, we could say that entities may be removed, so trees shouldn’t count).


I had a goblin camp spawn at the edge of the map. Initially I thought it spawned incompletely since not all the buildings or goblins were there, then I realized some had spawned off the map.

When I went to select them, the camera moved below the map level, and I could not get it to return to its normal location (above the ground) even when I reloaded; also the movement keys for the camera were fully inverted.

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hey there @endlessmusic … welcome aboard! :smile: :+1:

thanks for the report… it seems similar enough to this report to warrant a merge…