Building a Monster PC

The Monster has been reborn/reshaped . With the help everyones input, I reviewed the build at hand and critiqued it to where I thought it was suitable for standards. Somethings I changed like the video card, display, and accessories. I thought the accessories I had chosen were just fill in where I see fit. I got rid of them completely cause the only thing that should be taken into consideration is the machine itself.

I did however decide to keep the rest, the only thing I’m questioning is the CPU cooler, and the optical drive. I think the CPU cooler might be too over the notch for what it is, especially when dealing with liquid cooling. Things tend to break over time and could possibly ruin the machine if not taken care of right away.

I hope to hear your feedback on the updated version, thanks again guys. =)

I was thinking the same thing, because I know Directx 12 is right around the corner with DDR4, and I’m thinking maybe I should wait. Cause that will most likely change a lot of things about this build.

I sat and thought about it and was like "you know what, he’s right. " So I looked more into the video card, and figured out you don’t need that much buck for such a bang.

I looked at reviews and tried to find a good display, but I couldn’t decide on what to get. However, I will go to Fry’s here in a few days and try some out.