Assign bed owner as "wounded"

but dont forget we need the medical bed for early game before we have a cleric mostly so dont make it to high tier!

Nah, just a mean bed + herbs = medic bed, crafted by the herbalist himself.
As for the model, that one made by 8bitcrab is nice, but I would then change potion and bandaid into a bowl with herbs.

I love this idea! It would make the herbalists job so much easier :slight_smile:

Can you try using the herbalist’s color and symbol (The tree I think?)
for the sheets?


I like that idea +1 for me

the red cross would be a nice touch but I know that the Red Cross Foundation dose not like their icon being used. I have heard a lot of games being asked to change or remove the red cross icon…
if it was green to match the herbalists colour it would be alright

I still love the idea of using the tree as the symbol for the herbalists. Perhaps the cleric as well. It would move away from those who poke at the cross icon.

I definitely could see a green cross or blanket working, as the herbalist is green, and this color’s been used in several games when they had to back away from the red cross.

As nice as it would be to use the in-game herbalist symbol, I think people wouldn’t recognize it as immediately.

Yeah, I really like the idea of medical beds. It’s actually in our backlog! We didn’t do it immediately because we wanted to gather some feedback on the incapacitation system, but I do think this is a great solution. I also love your mockup @8BitCrab, as long as we alter the red cross to something not as aggressively litigated.


Name: Ansuz, “an Aesir god.” Phoneme: A (long and/or short). Meaning: prosperity, vitality.

Lets see the red cross claim that!


Name: Dagaz, “day.” Phoneme: D. Meaning: hope, happiness.

Trying to think of symbols that can be achieved pixel art like

never really thought about that, good point,

nice ideas! he’s a quickly done version of that,

decided to go with the colors of the herbalist sign, as when tried the yellow of the herbalists “scarf” for the sheets it looked really odd.


Wow :open_mouth:! Just a change in color and symbol really makes a difference :smiley:.[quote=“8BitCrab, post:31, topic:23354”]
yellow of the herbalists “scarf” for the sheets it looked really odd.

Now that I think about it, a whole bunch of yellow with a splat of green :confused:… I see what you mean :grin:.
It’s just sad that I can’t smash the like button enough…

Beautiful. I’ve copied this thread and the image directly into our backlog ticket. Thank you for the suggestion!


Hey there @CaraiseLink,

Love the idea! Can’t be put any simpler than that!

In the meantime though, just while you wait for this feature (maybe, hopefully, possibly) to be implemented - I could wrong about this and just got SUPER lucky… But as far as I’ve seen, if a Hearthling is assigned to a bed, if that person is injured or knocked out, they will be carried to that assigned bed.

So in turn you could do sort of what some people suggested below in that you could build a barracks / clinic, assign all the beds in that building to your soldiers, and when injured, will return there over just breaking into others’ houses and using their beds.

Doesn’t… really make sense, but, hey, it’s something! : D

But again, good idea! And I saw the concept of a medical bed by @8BitCrab - awesome!


But that is way funnier
“Uhh, I am wounded…”
“Oh, in that case take my bed you need it more than me, ill go break into the engineers house…”


I would add (soldiers, by party) and (prisoners) to that list.

I feel this is the best option. It builds on a feature that already exists and is easily expandable to all these other options mentioned above. Maybe a medical bed as an upgrade from a bed assigned to the wounded would be ok, but I don’t see the need to have an extra item, specifically for this purpose. Not when we have this UI system in place.

P.S. I like the medical bed 3D model though. @8BitCrab