Allocated beds / rooms

The idea here is simple, I want my guards to sleep in my garrison, and my nobles to sleep in the gold tower, my king to eat only from the royal dragon-blood throne and my peasants to eat at the soup kitchen!

Beds can be allocated and rooms can be given a statues ranking (Selected by the player)

So eating room one requires a ranking of four to enter, but only King Jimmy the Bunny Hunter can use that room, go Jummy!

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Hey there @Battlewrath, welcome to the Discourse! Thanks for all the suggestions you have been providing :smile:. Beds used to be assignable, but caused performance issues so that was removed a few Alphas ago until a better solution could be designed. This type of system is definitely coming, I just don’t have a ETA :frowning:.


Awesome man @jomaxro - any thing on rooms having a kind of pre-requirement of statues / rank to be able to eat / use the functions of the room?

Another example is two forge shops, one for Ro’gash the master forger, he doesn’t want noobs using his fancy forging hammer, so thus to use that workshop, you need to have a social rank (set by player) of six, where as the other forge shop only needs a rank one, and thus the novices can train here.

That I have not heard as an official plan…but I like the idea.

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Hey - I’ve used my post limit so I’m letting you know -

One bug I found was that if a item is in a vessel (Mainly the large urns (red) ) then I can sell a item a indefinite number of times AND get the gold without loosing the item (Maybe have like 20k Gold?)

You have become a “basic” user as of 3 minutes ago, so you should not be hitting a post limit…that only applies to “new” users. As for the infinite selling, that was reported before over here:

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Ah it doesn’t seem to have taken effect just yet. Still giving me a 23 hour waiting time, it’s my first day on here. :smile:

My next post is this -

The idea here is that well, the game is beautiful and I’m sure as the art style and engine gets stronger, we get more classes and buildings (maybe even steam machines?) that this will all be paint on the paper, but then comes mining, we need to do it, we need that gold, copper, Iron and Bronze, how else will be take over the world in our towers and forts, keeps and walls!

So here comes my suggestion …

Magma Smith - As one of the planned classes and by the sounds of it, a Runic molder of forge and steel, his connection to their works are in them selves with the very primal earth and fire, to this end the Magma smith can set about a great mystic forge-portal that sends workers off into the fray to mine the deep-under.

A portal in short that generates a area (You click the portal to view it.) that your miners can go ape-crazy, just mining and the likes, it’s not without it’s risks and a guard or two is cautioned, the effects of this is less hearthlings on the surface, a risk of monsters in the portal - and maybe even coming OUT of the portal, a fire-deamon pouring out into your base! It’s very function is to be a literal gold mine that lets you gather lots of resources without messing up your game world / landscape, in minecraft you might get away with it, just throw some dirt over your crater, but seems as the AI would have issue with this, I offer the above proposal.

Any thoughts? :stuck_out_tongue: @jomaxro

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I honestly don’t know any of the plans for the Magma Smith. @8BitCrab, @Relyss, or @SteveAdamo might no more, so let me see if they are online to respond…


Well this is more a suggestion to address the long term issue with mining in Stonehearth, well, at least mining out mountains and open-surface mining.

Sending them to another dimension / realm where you can mine like crazy and not take from the beauty of the landscape around your kingdom.

Alternate planes were a stretch goal on the Kickstarter, so we should see them in some way, shape, or form at some point. I do agree that mining in the game can really affect the look and feel, and some solution would be nice. An alternate plane is definitely a possible solution to that!

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