Where default_locale should go?

In the past it was placed at the manifest root.
But now creating a mod through Steam the generated manifest has it as a child of the “info” node.

Hmm that might be wrong. Let me check.

Miner’s got it in the manifest root. I know this works, because i18n was breaking before I put it into the root.

The most recent mod I created on Steam Workshop actually added it for me in the manifest:

“info” : {
“name” : “Building Colors”,
“namespace” : “cattect_colors”,
“version” : 3,
“default_locale” : “en”,
“steam_file_id” : “1366732819”
“aliases” : {},
“mixintos” : {
“stonehearth/data/build/building_brushes.json” : “file(data/build/building_brushes.json)”
“overrides” : {},
“components” : {},
“controllers” : {}

That doesn’t have to mean that it’s in the correct place.

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